Monday, November 19, 2007

Lazy Sunday.

Every weekend and we get a little more settled into life in China. Yesterday we wandered over and booked tickets for our next trip our of the country, and then spend some time in the little local shops. Then a quick run up to the B&Q, the Chinese version of Home Depot, for some supplies to just put a few finishing touches to our apartment, and finished the evening by stopping over to Temptations to enjoy a bottle of wine with Jose and Edlin.

Our big purchase? A clock for our living room. Not having any idea what time it was really was one of our main issues with the apartment. It's nice and when you push the top button it tells you the time or date in Chinese. We can't understand what it's telling us, but we are happy in the fact the we do understand what our elevator is telling us. Baby steps in the understanding of the electronics in our world....

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