Saturday, April 5, 2008


It seems like this last week we've been even busier then we normally are, and we have spent most of our time running around doing a lot of little nonsense errands...

But, back on Tuesday night, April 1st, Siew invited us to a wine tasting dinner which of course we attended. The food was good and they has some good wines for us to sample, and maybe we just enjoyed that wine too much because somewhere in the course of the night we offered to take Siew's two kids, Ben and Daniel, out on Friday afternoon...

Friday, or course, being one of the holidays that the Chinese now get off instead of having a full week off in May. So, along with I'd say about 90% of the people in Xiamen we decided that we would go to the park... We did manage to find an open spot in the park and spent some time trying to help them get a kite into the air, but since the weather finally decided to warm up to an agreeable 18C it also decided to dispense with the wind. That said it was a good way to just let the kids run around for a while...

From there we wandered around the park towards the swings, which were all booked up with a line, so then we climbed up one of the little hills in the park and took a few photos. On the way down Ben decided that he would race to the bottom and managed to run straight into a biker coming up the hill... The crowd gathered instantaneously, but despite Ben's screaming and their looks of concern he was unharmed other then a small scrape on his chin and ear. He cheered right up and forgot about the scrape when we agreed that we could blame it on his younger brother. Tina was watching Daniel, so the failure in babysitting falls squarely on me...

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