Friday, January 4, 2008

A night on the town

Knowing that it may be another year before we head back to Chicago, Mark and I gathered a few of our friends together to enjoy a dinner at Sushi Mura (our favorite sushi place) followed by drinks afterwards.
As we met up with Mike and Heather we walked into Sushi Mura, and the owner Monica was almost in tears (or so we thought) when she saw us. She was in total shock. We were regulars here and Monica was quite upset when we explained that we were moving to China. I would like to think that she was going to miss our sparkling personalities. After dinner, she presented us with 4 bottles of sake. Mike (the expert of Japanese tradition) continued telling us that this was a big deal in the Japanese tradition. My concern was, we don't have anymore space in our luggage after my shopping trip from Jewel. Nonetheless, we really appreciated her kindess and will truly miss Sushi Mura.

There were about 10 of us, and many haven't seen each other since the night before we left for China, so it was good for everyone to get together again. The original thought was to go to Green Mill, however, due to the fact that one shouldn't talk if you are listening to jazz we opted for a local bar where we could continue our conversations and laughter.
After a few shots of Jameson for the boys, we finally called it a night about 2:30am.

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