Saturday, May 10, 2008

What's with the Asian kids?

Yesterday we took Ben and Daniel for most part of the day as Siew needed to prepare for Daniel's birthday party on Sunday. It started raining, so we decided that we would go to the apartment and watch some videos. The only cartoons that I had were the Flintstones and they had never seen them so that entertained them for awhile. Once the rain stopped we went to the park, played, walked, then grabbed some food as Ben was quite hungry and felt he needed to remind us how hungry he was every 3 minutes.

After lunch we went to the market. We gave Ben and Daniel our small camera's while Mark and I had the bigger cameras. This was the first time for Daniel and Ben, I think. They loved it as we knew they would. We just didn't realize how much they would like it. They loved the snakes, the eels, frogs, chickens, ducks, birds, sharks, and prawns. They took pictures of everything and everyone.

Everyone seemed to enjoy the boys. In fact, they would see Mark and then Ben, looking for the Chinese mom and then Daniel and I would catch up with them. Okay, the look on their faces were priceless. The people were totally confused. We had seen this before but not to this degree. People would follow us, call their friends over and have discussions about the fact that two white people have two Asian children, and they would hug the boys or pat them on their heads. In fact, even the ladies of the evening, did a double take. Naturally, I had to take pictures to illustrate.

The women on the right had to call the other lady to discuss how this could have happened or perhaps to see if we would adopt their children?

The boys had fun and want to go back again.

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