Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Just a little more on Linfa.

Yesterday Tina talked about the damage that Linfa inflicted when it ran through Xiamen. Today there was an article in WhatsonXiamen about how it was the worse storm since 1999. On Sunday they had shut the BRT down at 16:00, that is now my preferred method for coming home from work since it saves me about 30 minutes. Glad that the storm was nice enough to wait for a weekend to come through.

The next storm to come our way is Nangka, and is also expected to wait until this weekend before bothering us. Right now it's down in the Philippines and, nice for us, is expected not to make it up to typhoon strength and is charted to pass on the far side of Taiwan. We shall see, sometimes these storms don't really like to follow the computer models.

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