Sunday, September 7, 2008

Back to the present day....

Alright, back to what has been going on in China for the last few weeks since we've been back....

We were back in China on Sunday, August 17, and then just five short days later we had good friends Art & Judy stop in for a few days. If you'd like you can go back and read their posts here (this should actually link to all of our guests - at least those that have been properly tagged).

Other than that, not much has really been going on here. Seriously, there hasn't been anything exciting. We've relaxed on our balcony on some of the cooler nights, we've taken to wandering the alleys again and taking lots of photos. I spent a few days two weeks ago up in Shanghai, somewhere in the south part of it I think, to work with a vendor. Tina took that opportunity to do some deep cleaning of our apartment.

One thing that hasn't changed, although we wished that it would have, is the construction going on outside our apartment. The annoying noise of metal on metal that permeates every inch of our place still starts at daybreak, which is now at the ungodly hour of just before 06:00. As we've mentioned several times before, this noise continues all day until around 22:00 with only a break of about a hour and a half at noon.

If you look back at all of our old construction photos - they almost look identical. We don't ever really see any progress, they just pound a hold into the ground, fill it with rebar and cement and then move the equipment to a new location and start again. I'm starting to come to the conclusion that this may just be a construction training site that is used to turn country farm workers into finely skilled hole drillers....

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