Friday, July 31, 2009

And another group is done....

Today our latest guests, Jo and Corey, made their way back to the airport and headed off to Canadia. We do believe that overall they had a great trip, what with seeing Singapore, Malaysia, Beijing, Xian, and then finally us down here in Xiamen.
We bored Corey with stories of our stupidity and more time sitting at bars then he would probably have wanted, but he sucked it up and put up with the three of us. They did a bit of damage on Xiamen leaving with a new suit for Corey and a Chinese cell phone. I'm not sure what rating they gave us, as when I left for work they were still sound asleep and Tina didn't bother to ask. I'm going to presume this was their best stop and that they would have given us a perfect rating - that bumps our numbers back up a little...

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